Vesti - Expert Expolite Thermal Vest

Litur: Svart
Stærð: 3XL
17.599 kr

  • Efni100% Polyester
  • Þyngd38gsm
  • StærðXS 36" S 38" M 40" L 43" XL 46" 2XL 49" 3XL 52"
  • KynUnisex
  • AldurFullorðinn

A wonderful workwear option for effective insulation. Expolite channels down-like ThermoPro synthetic fill into slender baffles that help create instant warmth. Four neat zipped pockets, one with RFID protection. Easy to transport, stuffed into its own stow pocket.

  • Recycled polyester mini ripstop with EcoShield DWR finish outer and lining.
  • ThermoPro recycled polyester fill and recycled zip tapes.
  • 4 pockets: 2 welted zipped lower, 1 concealed zipped inner and 1 passport RFID.

Nánari upplýsingar

Water-resistant padded vest, with a full-length zip and 4 pockets, one of which doubles as a stow pocket. Recycled polyester mini ripstop with EcoShield DWR finish outer and lining. ThermoPro recycled polyester fill and recycled zip tapes. 4 pockets: 2 welted zipped lower, 1 concealed zipped inner and 1 passport RFID.

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Afhendingartími tveir til fimm virkir dagar.


Þvoið með svipuðum litum. Ekki nota bleikju eða vatn mýkingarefni. Hægt að steypast þurrkað á lágu stillingu. Ekki strauja. Ekki þurrka hreint. Ekki snúa. Lokaðu öllum festingum áður en þú þvo og þurrka. Notaðu hita samkvæmt leiðbeiningum um umönnun ef DWR þarf að endurnýja.

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